Saint-Charles offers a complete curriculum for students aged between 8 and 20. We do everything possible to ensure that from primary level right through to the Maturité, students can learn at their own pace and find their way successfully. Our commitment to the youngsters in our care and their parents is based on high-quality teaching, the skills and dedication of our staff and personal monitoring of students - founded on the concepts of care and attentive listening.
Immersive multilingual education
Explore! Invent! Collaborate! – in German and English
Explore-it and Passpartout
The Collège & Lycée Saint-Charles has recently joined the Passepartout Language project that aims to develop multilingual education in Switzerland. For more information please click here.
Since the fall of 2016, our school has also been participating in the explore-it project, which was set up in 2004 by the "Association for Tomorrow’s Engineers" and is supported by the Association "Youth and Economics" which is driving projects in Switzerland. You will find more information here.
Explore-it helps students to familiarise themselves with technology and science. It involves carrying out simple but exciting experiments. The starting point for the exploration of the natural sciences is always the creation of an object or technical product, for example producing solar-heated water, making a wind turbine or even extracting energy from a saline solution to operate a small device.
At the College & Lycée Saint-Charles, the teaching for these activities, experiments and research tasks is provided in German or English. The motto of explore-it at the Collège is: Explore! Invent! Collaborate! In German and English.
Immersive, multilingual primary and secondary school education
At primary and secondary levels, the multilingual education is practised in small immersive blocks. These are sequences where a discipline is taught in German or English. Apart from the five hours of German lessons per week and three hours (for 9th and 10th grade) or four hours (for the 11th grade) of English lessons per week, students also have the opportunity to integrate German or English into other lessons as well.
This concept improves language learning without having a detrimental impact on the content of other subjects. At primary level, the immersive blocks are practised during geography, history, maths and manual creative activities. At secondary level, they are practised during history, geography, maths and biology.
The Collège & Lycée Saint-Charles is aiming to develop immersive education at the primary and secondary levels alike. There are calls for this concept to be put into practice in other subjects. The goal is to help students feel completely comfortable with understanding (and producing work in) two or even three foreign languages.
Personal attention and high-quality teaching
With reduced class sizes, an emphasis on language learning, partnerships with other Swiss and foreign schools and the bilingual French-English Maturité, the school makes sure that your child is given the desire to learn. In the following sections, which are ordered depending on your child's age, you can discover the full palette of our curriculum, as well as more information about life on campus and our modern boarding school.
However, there is no substitute for a face-to-face conversation. As such, we are at your disposal if you need any further information.