Saint-Charles International School
Collège Saint-Charles
Collège Saint-Charles

Student life at St Charles

Extracurricular activities are taking place every day at Saint Charles.  Many of these take place after school hours, including swimming, horse riding, golf, tennis, piano, cooking and several other activities.

Our sportive and cultural trips, getaway excursions on weekends, and thematic camps contribute to student’s learning process and allow them to develop their personalities. 

Our school mission is to transmit humanism, tradition and openness to our students.  The key humanistic values we pass on during these activities go beyond the academic life enabling these lessons to persist in their adult professional life and throughout their lifetime.

In other words, people need to have developed different skills such as respect for others and tolerance and have a balanced intellectual development to be successful. At St Charles to attain this, we look for each student to have access to learning strategies in their classrooms and additionally to complement their education, we promote the participation of students in extracurricular activities; our students grow integrally and develop their social skills and their sense of commitment, responsibility, and organization. 

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